All editor types available to the software.
A class that contains data for an editor.
File types that can be found in a grimoires project.
function used to easly fetch GFileType enum keys and values as text.
Encapsulate a generic grimoire file. Is used when getting a projects source tree.
A class that contains a hash property. It is used to store files has hashes.
instanciate a new object from another set of data to copy or deserialize another place.
get this agglomeration type translated in french.
instanciate a new object from another set of data to copy or deserialize another place.
fetch a static icon associated with a place that can be used to draw on the map's canvas.
Settings class, expose a container of sections containing settings.
creates a settings class from string, useful to serialize from json.
Retrieve a given parameter from a section.
A builder class used to easily initialize hardcoded settings.
Add a new section to the setting list.
Add a parameter if type SettingType into a given section.
build the Settings class with the provided parameters.
All different types of sheet available for the character sheet editor.
A sheet is a data field that is displayed inside the character sheet editor. A box object contain multiple sheets.
A box object used to store and display data for a character in the character sheet editor.
A sheet template is used to instantiate multiple sheets in a box. It can be used to prevent adding already existing patterns of sheets. For example, by default, an "identity" sheet template is loaded. It is used to create a character with basic informations easly without adding all sheets one by one.
this template map contains all basic data for a simple character.
TODO: move this class into an appropriate ts file.
A character object contain all boxes and all sheets from a project's character. It is mainly used to store data using the config manager.
It inherites the HashFile class, this way it can be saved using it's own hash.
A reference to the plugin manager.
= true
Is the plugin required to function properly ?
Extends Plugin_1.Plugin
Load the configuration for the first time or from a file.
Get if user allow font search or not.
Set values for the choice of font automatic search
choice of the user.
Removes the oldest recent path opened.
Saves the configuration to a file.
Purges all configuration files and recreate them from scratch.
FIXME: this method is temporary. To be placed into the editor plugin. Load text from a file path.
Extends Plugin_1.Plugin
Register a context menu into electron's internals and a callback when the menu is triggered on the specified element.
The element on wich the callback will be fired on a '@contextmenu' event.
The menu to display when '@contextmenu' is triggered.
Extends Plugin_1.Plugin
copy the special character to the clipboard. this function is called when the caractere can not be insert to the current editor.
Confirme the closure of a tab.
Extends Error
Extends Error
Extends Error
Extends Error
Extends Error
Extends Plugin_1.Plugin
Extends Plugin_1.Plugin
ask the current buffer to give it's content and then saving it to the disk.
does the same as the saveCurrentBuffer method but asks all opened buffers their content.
Load ideas from the disk
the array of ideas
Load tags from the disk
an array of tags
Load the todolist, don't need a path since there is only one todolist
a lists of all tasks in the todolist
Recursively collect all the files in a directory and its subdirs
the path of a directory
an array of files, if empty it's the first call
otherwise it's a recursive call with files from upper or neighbor directories
an array of all the files in a directory (recursively)
Take a list of text paths, read all the files and store them into a list
Paths of all texts actually associated to a chapter, still organized by chapter
a list of the content of all the files (still ordered by chapter)
Remove a file based on its datastructure
datastructure of the file to be removed
Remove a file directly from its path
Save the content of the chronology on the disk
array of events of the story
a confirmation or not that it has been saved
Save todo list on the disk
list of the tasks
a confirmation or not that it has been saved
Save tags on the disk
array of tags to be saved
a confirmation or not that it has been saved
Load chapters and drafts from a single file and return its content
directory where chapters are loaded
path of chapters inside that dir
the content from the file as a string, ready to be JSON.parsed
list of chapters and their associated texts
list of remaining textes considered as draft
a boolean true if chapters have been saved and false otherwise
Save settings on the disk
settings to be saved
a confirmation or nor that it has been saved
Save a map to the disk
the map to be saved
a confirmation or not that it has been saved
Save post-its on the disk in a single file
an array of all the post-its to be saved
a confirmation or not that they were saved
Save ideas on the disk
array of ideas to be saved
a confirmation or not that they were all saved
Save the body into an html file, read that file and convert it to pdf, save the pdf file and erase the temporary html file
html body received from the front
Create a folder
path of the new folder
Create a file and add some content if the argument is specified
path of the file to be created
= ""
original content of the file
Ask to reload the source tree from the back
Generate a hash for a filename
a hash to be used as a unique filename
Extends Plugin_1.Plugin
write css file for current fonts.
ask to the user if he authorize the fonts research. Do so in case of positive answer.
read the front from the user system
Extends Plugin_1.Plugin
Listener that creates the main window when electron is ready.
Listener that creates the main window if the activate signal is received.
Listener that creates the main window if the activate signal is received.
Creates the file protocol used by Grimoire to fetch files on the system.
Creates a new Electron window.
Listener that check if editors are still dirty before quitting a window
activate safe saving mode it means you set callback on the cross button, when editors are still dirty in the software
if you activate or desactivate the safe mode
Turn off the app.
= false
TODO: restrain the use of the window.
Get the _mainWindow instance of the app.
Asking the user for a file path using the dialog api.
Title of the dialog page.
message of the dialog page.
default path of the file to save.
returns the path choosen by the user.
a boolean if the dark mode is activated.
sends feedback to Grimoire's servers.
Extends Plugin_1.Plugin
send a menu command to the front.
= null
load a text from a menu button.
create a menu template and returns it.
(Menu | null)
The new menu or null if the method failed.
Append every new recently opened path to the current menu.
The current menu.
The updated menu.
Create or update an instance of the menu.
Extends Plugin_1.Plugin
Called when the renderer needs data on all projects.
The event object to reply to the ipc.
Set a function called by the main process when the render process request a file path to import text in the project.
The event object to reply to the ipc.
! This listener doesn't need a function because it won't be called ! without the ipc. It won't be used by other plugins.
Set a function called by the main process when the render process send information from the project creation
called by the front end when it needs the project's source tree.
The event object to reply to the ipc.
Search for a project using the dialog api and opens it.
Get a tree architecture of files of the project, with their type, path and title.
= this._currentProjectPath
the path to the project folder.
the parent folder if there is one (used to call the method recursivly).
the root folder of the project.
load character from json to Character.
Extends Image
event trigger by the event.
event trigger by the event.
if crop mode is activate or not.
new cursor you want
the new clip path stringified.
changes the theme of tippy instance.
tippy.js instance.
the theme to apply.
changes all themes from a set of tippy instance.
Extends vue_property_decorator_1.Mixins(AudioUploader_1.default)
Extends vue_property_decorator_1.Vue
Extends vue_property_decorator_1.Vue
Extends vue_property_decorator_1.Vue
Extends vue_property_decorator_1.Mixins(ImageUploader_1.default)
Extends vue_property_decorator_1.Vue
Extends vue_property_decorator_1.Vue
Extends vue_property_decorator_1.Vue
Extends vue_property_decorator_1.Mixins(ImageUploader_1.default)
Extends vue_property_decorator_1.Mixins(Editor_1.default)
new name you want to give to a tag.
update the name of a tab.
Extends vue_property_decorator_1.Mixins(AudioUploader_1.default)
Extends vue_property_decorator_1.Vue
if the quit button have to be display on the event or not
True if the element is a period
Extends vue_property_decorator_1.Vue
Extends vue_property_decorator_1.Vue
Extends vue_property_decorator_1.Vue
Extends vue_property_decorator_1.Mixins(Editor_1.default)
new chapter object
Id of the event to update
force a save, without timeout.
save an idea. Note that there is a timeout to avoid too much saving
id of the idea to remove.
remove an idea of the list.
id of the idea to remove.
remove an idea of the list.
id of the idea to update.
update an idea of the list and save the content.
Try to connect a user to the database.
! To be replaced with a database management with ! passwords stored as sha256.
Extends vue_property_decorator_1.Vue
VueColor object sent by the component
update the color of the post-it
force a save, without timeout.
save an idea. Note that there is a timeout to avoid too much saving
id of the post-it to remove
remove a post-it to the list of post-it
post-it to update
update the content of a post-it
id of the post-it to move.
shift in x dimension.
shift in y direction.
change the position of the post-it.
Sort lines of the project table from the index of the header.
The index of the header to sort.
Extends vue_property_decorator_1.Vue
Extends vue_property_decorator_1.Vue
callback for context-menu events. register an event listener on an element, triggers a callback when '@contextmenu' is called.
the name of the element.
the element to register events to.
((ContextMenuDataCallback | null)
= null
a callback to provide data to the backend when '@contextmenu' is fired.